Case Study: Indication expansion assessment and evidence requirements for a novel agent in alpha-thalassemia

Project Objective

  • The client was preparing for an indication expansion of Product X, which was already indicated in other blood conditions, into alpha-thalassemia, an inherited blood disorder

  • The client wanted to understand the commercial opportunity and risks of indication expansion from an access and reimbursement perspective in Italy, Greece, China, Thailand, and Turkey, which have a high prevalence of disease

  • The aim was to inform the commercial strategy for indication expansion

Windrose Approach

  • Windrose conducted secondary research and leveraged the clients’ internal resources to develop preliminary hypotheses for the pricing and market access (P&MA) potential of Product X

  • This informed comprehensive hypotheses related to Product X’s value requirements as a standalone indication and as an indication expansion, as well as the payer evaluation process and P&MA impact of the indication expansion

  • Next, we sought feedback from market affiliates to gain an understanding of Product X’s current access status and value expectations to inform launch scenarios for expansion

  • Importantly, we identified profile attributes and market system characteristics that might have presented challenges to broad reimbursement, as well as potential mitigations to test in research

  • Finally, we conducted 20, 60-minute in-depth interviews with payers and KOLs to test hypotheses across various launch scenarios


  • We provided feedback on stakeholders’ perceptions and understanding of the treatment landscape, with focus on the relevance and expected evolution of categorization of alpha-thalassemia patients

  • We assessed payer value perceptions of Product X and the potential evidence gaps that exist for P&MA decision-making

  • Next, we outlined the expected reimbursement population and pricing strategy, highlighting key market-specific insights (e.g., eligibility for the simple renewal pathway in China, claw back vs. confidential discount in Greece)

  • Finally, we provided market-specific recommendations to shape payer understanding of alpha-thalassemia, bolster the evidence package to prepare for launch, and tailor launch planning to maximize the commercial opportunity of Product X

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Case Study: Global Pricing Strategy for a New Vaccine


Windrose Consulting Group’s Response to Medicaid’s Proposed Changes to Best Price Calculations