Case Study: Negotiation Training and Strategy for a Product Indicated for Prevention of Migraine
Project Objective
A global pharmaceutical company was preparing to file a reimbursement dossier for the prevention of migraine in Canada and Europe
The client was launching into a competitive space, so there was a need align and gather feedback on strategies to strengthen the value proposition, develop, test, and tailor the negotiation strategy, and facilitate training sessions for affiliates in preparation of payer negotiations
As such, the objective was to prepare affiliates for pricing & reimbursement negotiations by developing a global negotiation guide and strategy and delivering negotiation training
Windrose Approach
Firstly, we reviewed the disease and competitive landscape, identified strengths and weaknesses in the clinical evidence package, and identified potential challenges in negotiations, in order to propose a negotiation strategy
We also facilitated mock negotiation sessions between affiliates and payers so that affiliates could practice their negotiation approaches
Subsequently, we summarized payer feedback on the value messages, the approach taken during mock negotiations and outputs, as well as key market-specific and cross-market challenges and potential solutions for further global consideration
We tailored and fine-tuned the negotiation strategy based on payer feedback and mock negotiation exercises, and developed a negotiation guide which summarized each of the options and tools available in negotiations, and when to use them, to support affiliates in payer negotiations
We supported the client in developing a pressure-tested and fine-tuned negotiation strategy to ensure pricing and access goals are achieved across markets
We developed a tailored negotiation guide that provides a framework for the local negotiation strategy which ensures pricing and access goals are achieved, including:
Considerations for activities to be conducted prior to negotiation
Guidance on developing an approach which fits the local situation (negotiation approach)
Suggestions on how to prepare to optimize negotiations (tactics)
The negotiation guide and negotiation training ensured affiliates are equipped and prepared for pricing and reimbursement negotiations to optimize value perceptions, price, and access for the clients product
Negotiation Guide approach, Windrose Consulting Group